Thursday, January 14, 2010

BBC Now Admits Al-Qaeda Never Existed: Illuminati Card Game Reveals "War on Terror" Plan

NEWS BRIEF: "BBC now admits al-Qaeda never existed: Americans created the terrorist organization", BBC News

This video demonstrates what Cutting Edge has been teaching since October, 2001, that Western Intelligence created al-Qaeda as the "terrorist" organization which would be blamed for everything from the attacks of 9/11, to the Iraqi insurgents fighting Coalition Forces, to the Afghan rebels fighting NATO, to nearly every terrorist attack in the past eight years.

Immediately after 911, numerous sources pointed out the truth that the bin Ladin family was very close to the Bush family through the international oil trade. Cutting Edge learned in 1986 from our investigation of the Illuminati Plan that the Global Elite had come to the conclusion that they must eliminate all followers of the three Monotheistic religions, i.e., Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Constance Cumbey, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow").

Further, we learned that Islam was going to be the first to be attacked, probably because of their immense numbers of followers.

Therefore, we noted that the West went to war against Islam in 1991 as we attacked Iraqi forces occupying Kuwait with Depleted Uranium weapons. This uranium war started the process of deadly contaminated dust spreading throughout the entire region. We noted, further, that President Clinton kept the pressure on Iraq during the entire time of his presidency. But, when "al-Qaeda" attacked on 9/11, President Bush ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in November, 2001 and of Iraq in 2003 -- telling us the lies he needed to in order to build a consensus that these invasions were necessary.

From the beginning in Afghanistan and in Iraq, Western military forces were using Depleted Uranium munitions, spreading thousands of tons of vaporized D.U. material in the dust on the battlefields of these two countries. Once D.U. dust is deposited on the battlefields, it is picked up by the terrific dust storms which rage many times every year throughout the region. (For full details, read our articles in our 'Depleted Uranium' section).

Our point is simple: Western Illuminati governments have been waging war against Islam since January, 1991, the First Gulf War.

As part of this war, the Illuminati created al-Qaeda as the terrorist organization against which the 'War On Terror" would be waged. The Illuminati Card Game, released in early, 1995, clearly shows that the Illuminati planned the attack against both the Pentagon and the World Trade Centers as part of their plan to overthrow this existing world order so they could establish their New World Order.

We encourage you to read our numerous articles which we have posted regarding the Illuminati Card Game, because this game foretold so many of the events which have now occurred which are designed to overthrow our current civilization.

This role-playing card game establishes several irrefutable points:

1) The detailed Plan to end this current order is well-known in occult circles

2) The Illuminati loves to "telegraph their punches"

This information simply confirms what we have been saying for a very long time. Spread the word: we have discovered the enemy and he is our own government!

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