Thursday, May 28, 2009

US Marine Drill Sergeant Boasts Of What They Will Do To Civilians Under Martial Law

I am still kind of reeling from what a US Marine admitted to me in a long conversation...a crack US Marine drill sergeant with 12 years of professional training and being a trainer in the Marines. He specialized in hardening them to win (ie-fire on women and children wherever appropriate, "show no mercy" etc.)

He confirmed lots of things to me to me I already knew, and revealed lots of new things to me.

Marine Confirms Prisoner Boxcars Prepositioned Everywhere For Martial Law-

He admitted (actually, BOASTED would be more appropriate) that there were indeed prisoner boxcars prepositioned everywhere throughout Montana where I interviewed him(and nationwide)...that the military has properly assessed the civilian resistance/militia threat under martial law, and hence had everything in place for a military takeover using US Marines heavily.


"Why do you think that they have the Marines in place in Billings, Montana, " he bragged. He explained that Marines would be used most heavily in Montana (and Nationwide), under Martial Law...and he was evidently quite proud of their role. He admitted they had been hardened to kill...and that killing women and children would be a part of their agenda wherever deemed necessary.


He said that under a state of war or Martial Law, it is a known fact that women can be used and even children to convey information to"the enemy." (Or to combat US Forces.) He shared then how many men in his platoon stationed overseas had been killed or hurt because a Marine refused his orders, to fire on an eight year old child. The child was suspected to be a courier for the Mujahideen, transporting information about Marine logistics and whereabouts, to the Muslems they were fighting. As a result of enemy information getting thru, many men in his platoon were injured or killed by resultant Moslem attack.


"The child may not have even known what he was transporting," the Marine told me, "But the damage to our men occurred regardless...all because one man refused his orders and failed to take out this threat..."

We discussed the boxcars & shackles and Military Detention Camps under Martial Law issue. A knowing smile broke out on his face as I described to him my research on future Martial Law and the role of prisoner boxcars with shackles.

When I mentioned how my research on this subject brought me to the Highline (the railroad tracks that run parallel to Highway 2 in northern Montana) and northern Montana, he admitted,


"The boxcars are not just up there...we have them spread out all over Montana...Billings...Bozeman..."

He went on to name city after city in Montana. Termination in the prisoner boxcars, Marine style-"like sheep led to slaughter".

We discussed what would happen once people were arrested under Martial Law and brought into these boxcars.


"In many cases they won't even waste a bullet on them. Many will never reach the camps alive. They have this thing we called a 'staple gun'..." I asked him to elaborate. "This 'gun' shoots out a long metal rod that hits another piece of metal...they just hold that to someone's head like a gun and...."

He was in fact describing a stun gun, the same kind used to stun cattle and sheep in slaughterhouses prior to processing. I understood. With the same effect that a bullet thru the head, favored by military for dispatching people under such circumstances, would have.

Only this way, the American people will become like sheep led to slaughter...literally. And like dumb sheep led to slaughter, civilians arrested under martial law are not even considered worth the cost of a bullet...


Red-Flag/Black Flag- Marine standards for "Who shall live, and who shall die"

We discussed various lists or status of people, once arrested, under Martial Law would have. You know, like FEMA Red-Blue Lists, etc. He responded by admitting that FEMA was only a front for such operations, and that in fact it would be the US Military (with foreign troop assistance, UN/NATO/Pfp etc.,) operating the boxcars & deathcamps. He said that the Marines had their Red Flagged people and Black Flagged people.

When people come up Red Flag on their computerized list, it is a person that will be arrested and taken to military camps, but may be "salvageable" (or can be rehabilitated, re-educated, etc.) But when people come up Black Flagged, they will be arrested and put to death. NO questions asked.


"When taking captives under Martial Law, we might even use a black flagged person who is going to dieregardless, & make them an example to the other people we arrest to not mess with us & executing that person in front of the others...a form of control thru fear.

Conduct of the US Military in Iraq-A Marine Explains:

I discussed my loathing for the reports we were now receiving from Iraq, about even young girls and teens being arrested indiscriminately, tortured and sodomized, raped, etc.


"You have to understand the logistics of War and what is happening there. Since the US soldiers are surrounded with people (Iraqis) and the enemy in many cases is the unknown, they have to have ways to flush them out. By randomly selecting civilians to interrogate through torture and other means, and then releasing them, they are hoping that when that person who has been roughed up returns to their home or friends, it will provoke them (enemy combatants) into such anger and retaliation that they are flushed out into the open so we can deal with them and know who the enemy really is.

"He also admitted it creates fear in the people towards the occupying army, so that they will hesitate to rebel.In light of coming Martial Law, which he admitted would come down in America, I discussed my theory that the US Military is being hardened through such practices in Iraq today, and will be the ones brought home to perform the same tasks against the US civilians in the future under Martial Law.

The Marine Mentality-Firing Upon Women & Children on Command

He did not deny this. When I mentioned my concern over whether or not they could get our own US troops to fire upon America citizens, even women and children, he explained to me the Marine mentality.


"These Marines have been hardened to kill upon command. They have been taught to not question the orders of their superiors or commanding officer. They will kill whoever & whenever they are commanded to. "

He let me know that concepts of mercy or compassion are diametrically opposed to war and military mentality. He had trained men himself in the Marines, and admitted he was one of those people hardening other Marines to kill without regret or conscience...even under Martial Law in America.

Military Strategy Under Martial Law USA-

We then discussed weapons of war. I fully admitted to him my position in the upcoming Martial Law holocaust. It was safe: we were on neutral ground and martial law has not been declared here yet.

I then discussed my honest assessment, however, of Patriot/civilian resistance. Coming from the kind of military background family I do, I had a much more realistic assessment of modern military might versus civilian resistance. I said, Quote:

"I always give a salvation message at the end of each radio broadcast I give on the subject of Martial Law showdown...I let the Patriot militias out there know that while I admire their intentions as they stand up for freedom and against the NWO, they frankly have no realistic concept of how highly armed and trained and prepared the military forces of the NWO really are...and that a lot of these good folks are going to factually die with what is coming down when they offer resistance... SO I tell them, 'at least ensure yourselves the ultimate victory, of knowing you have eternal life thru Jesus Christ in case you die....and many of you will end up in hell, should they take you out without knowing get right with God now."

He smiled and said, "That's why we Marines have a saying that 'we will take 'em out and let God sort them out!'"

He went on to describe the newer weapons the US military had developed to be used against civilian resistance. Grenades that have caustic substances that when exploded, will eat away any Chemical/Biological Suit that a resister may be wearing for protection under Martial Law. Projectiles with uranium shells that when fired will pass through buildings with such power and velocity that they will suck human bodies right out with them through the hole they create in buildings as they emerge (of course destroying the bodies in the process). And more.

The Coming Reality of Microwaving Death Under Martial Law-

He also confirmed the reality of microwave related weapons as well. I mentioned that in my research on Military detention camps and termination facilities, I knew about gassing/crematory facilities, and microwaving deathcamps as well.


With the smile of a hardened soldier, he replied, "The microwaving facilities have been around since the 1950's. They are already being used in places like Kosovo and other places...they make our clean-up much easier after executions. The bodies don't explode...they implode or collapse from the inside"

I commented on my 6 months of research in Germany at the US military installation called The Marshall Center and other locations, to uncover more about the role of UN/NATO foreign troops to be used under Martial Law in America someday. Former Yugoslavia is being used as a test case for an entire country brought under UN/NATO control. It has been divided up into four regions, with UN foreign troops assigned to patrol each section.

This is much like America under Martial Law will be divided up into ten regions with UN/NATO/PfP troops patrolling each region. Even now, foreign and America troops are being trained through experience in places like Kosovo for what they will do under Martial Law in America someday: roadblocks, searches and weapons seizures, gun confiscation, "search/seizure/arrest" at homes, marching Blue/Red/Black Listed people off to boxcars and shackles or buses (OR federal prisoner transport planes) to be held or terminated accordingly, etc.

The fact that they are even now practicing terminating "enemies" under UN/NATO/NWO occupation in "microwaving deathcamp" facilities leaves a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. We have heard of microwave termination facilities here in the US to be used under Martial Law. I have reported on our suspicions. And now this Marine has provided up front confirmation. He admitted that not only are there gassing/crematory facilities, but the microwave termination facilities are a present reality as well.


Marine Mentality-"Lots of Americans are Dumb Sheep!"

I expressed to him my deep concerns over innocent people being terminated in such camps. He explained the military mentality of thinking. "most American people are dumb sheep", and sheep can be dangerous IF they cannot be controlled or pose a threat to the security of the US military forces under martial law or endanger their operations.

In such cases they must be taken in New Orleans. He admitted that his Marine buddies had been shooting and killing a lot of people down there...people who will not surrender their weapons when asked, etc.


"We have the philosophy in the military that you sacrifice one or a few for the good of the many..."In others words, IF a person, OR a group (Patriot leader, militia leader and their group, etc., or various people under martial law) poses a threat to the good of the MANY (in the US military) then they will sacrifice those people.

When I shared with him how my previous research uncovered the hidden reality of NWO resistance within the ranks of the US military, he looked at me with narrowed eye intensity and responded, "not these Marines...not my men!

These men have been prepared and trained and equipped...They are prepared for Martial Law and they have been trained to win."

Parting Into The Night-Conclusion

We finally parted and went our separate ways into the night. But before he left, I told him, "Well , nice talking to you...and whether you know it or not, you just did a helluva psy-ops on me, sir..." He just smiled. In fact it took me all night in prayer just to assess what he had shared with me and finally become calm and drift off to sleep.

Warrior Class Christians & Patriots-

I simply let him know that there are those among " NWO resistance" that are not afraid to die. We ARE in fact Major Ralph Peter's Warrior Class Patriot/Christian resistance that he has formerly described to the US military, and Major Ralph (formerly of Pentagon Intelligence) was right in his assessment of us American Christians/Patriots in his report:

We CANNOT be dissuaded from our faith in God and from our stand against NWO despotism and the Satanic darkness behind it all...not even by threats of death or what he just had informed me about US military strategy against resistance under martial law.


He looked at the ground and spoke softly and said, "There's not many of your kind out there anymore..." as I continued to witness Jesus Christ and salvation to him.

But there are many more of us than you might think! And by GOD'S GRACE, God is raising up MORE AND MORE committed and informed Christians, who see the NEW WORLD ORDER and the coming MARTIAL LAW TYRANNY for what it is in light of Bible Scriptures, and who are going to THEIR Commander in Chief, God Almighty, for WISDOM, and COUNSEL, and DIRECTION and STRATEGY TO WIN as well!



Are YOU "With Him" in this critical hour...are YOU with the ETERNALLY WINNING SIDE of JESUS CHRIST??? -

Pam Schuffert reporting LIVE from the Pacific Northwest

(The former Major Ralph Peters of PENTAGON INTELLIGENCE, now apparently retired, had written a report for the US Army's PARAMETERS magazine, called "WARRIOR CLASS," in which he discussed NWO RESISTANCE and how there was a group of people among NWO resisters who could NOT be swayed or deterred by conventional military means from their stand against the NEW WORLD ORDER or their religious faith BEHIND their determination to not accept it nor cooperate. He referred to them as WARRIOR CLASS. He then stated in his report in PARAMETERS that SUCH RESISTANCE WILL HAVE TO BE COUNTERED BY THE US MILITARY WITH "IRRESISTIBLE FORCE."

"Whatever Is Covered Up Will Be Uncovered And Every Secret Will Be Made Known" - Luke 12:2

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