Monday, March 23, 2009

If A Tree Falls In The Forest, Does Anyone Hear It?

If you bring up topics with people like the New World Order, FEMA concentration camps, world depopulation plans, martial law, etc. what is the reaction that you generally get from people? In my experience, you get the rolling of the eyes, the smug little grin that seems to claim their mental superiority over your "paranoid" view of the world and current events, or some type of blind, naive trust in our government that they would never engage in such types of activities because they have the best interests of their citizens at heart. Pardon me while I engage in my own rolling of the eyes. PLEASE don't insult my intelligence with such drivel, because this reaction is always based on blind trust, or the fact that the mainstream news media has not given any airtime to topics like this. I have a question for you. Who do you suppose owns and directs the mainstream media? I'm going to let you be the one to answer that, and I hope that your seach for the answer to that question leads you to more questions of this sort. Personally, I don't even trust the mainstream media to tell me what the weather is like outside!

Now we come back to the original question of the type of reaction that you get from people when you bring up the New World Order, etc. Does this bother you, or keep you from bringing these questions and topics up? I sincerely hope not. When God told Noah to build an ark in the middle of the desert, what do you suppose the reaction was from the people around him? I imagine he endured the most intense mocking and laughter from his friends and neighbors. Did that deter him from continuing on with the task he had been given? Absolutely not! I wonder what was going thru the minds of the people in the moments before they finally succumbed to a drowing death. I wonder if they expressed regret for the way they had mocked the only person who was trying to warn them of impending doom.

Don't let these types of things deter you from trying to open the eyes of those you love, because usually those who make the most difference in the world around them are those who are mocked, derided, and ridiculed for those things they pursue. Look at the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Nikoli Tesla, etc. There are dozens, if not hundreds of examples of people like this. Would we have any of the the things we take for granted today such as planes, electricity, the automobile, etc. if those who had dreams would have allowed the laughter of those around them dictate the course that they had decided to pursue?

Thus endeth the sermon

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